Popcorn Recipe

By Sarah Pachev

For this popcorn recipe, you will need the following:

  • Pot with tight fitting lid
  • popcorn kernels
  • olive oil

Cover bottom of pot with thin layer of oil. Cover bottom of pot with layer of popcorn. Cook over medium high heat until it starts popping.

When you hear popping shake the pot back and forth over the stove until you hear the popping stop. If you have a ceramic stove lift the pot up over the burner and shake in the air occasionally setting in down on the burner to maintain contact with heatsource. Do not shake it on the burner or you will scratch the surface.

Depending on your pot size it will make a generously full big bowl of yummy popcorn. See my Caramel Popcorn Recipe for an especially yummy treat or salt to taste.

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